Small Wheel Wonder Shop

Here you find most of the items which I have reviewed in my videos. All of the Amazon links are monetized, affiliate items. For help, please contact me here.

The Best Saddles
These are the top saddles in various widths to suit all styles or riding.

6 items

The Best Rides
These are the best small wheel rides on the market, both human powered and electric.

9 items

Recommended Nutrition
Nutrition bars and other healthy foods packaged for long rides and snacking.

4 items

The Best Suspension Products
The best suspension upgrades to make small wheel riding comfortable.

3 items

The Best Tires
The best tires that come in small wheel sizes -- such as 16, 18 and 20 inch diameters.

5 items

Gear and accessoriews to improve your riding experience.

4 items

Chemical you can use to preserve and beautify your rides.

5 items

Tools you can use to upgrade and maintain your rides.

2 items

The Best Helmets
The best bicycle helmets for the most common riding styles and uses.

6 items

Electric Bike Building
Recommended kits and components for electrifying a bicycle.

4 items